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Learning about Emptty – login manager or display manager
EMPTTYEmptty: A Minimalistic TTY Login Manager Emptty is a lightweight, minimalistic login manager designed for use with terminal-based environments. Unlike traditional graphical login managers, which rely on a graphical user interface (GUI), Emptty operates in a...
How to download and install a kernel from Chaotic-aur repo with a script
We install all these kernels: linux-mainline linux-nitrous linux-xanmod-x64v3 linux-xanmod-lts linux-lqx This video tutorial delves into the world of Linux kernels, specifically focusing on Arch Linux and the use of scripts to simplify kernel management. The presenter...
Lets talk about refind
The video tutorial explains how to configure the rEFInd boot manager on a Linux system, particularly focusing on altering the display of boot options and setting a default kernel. The presenter describes their personal modifications to the rEFInd configuration file to...
Lets talk about systemd-boot
The video is a tutorial on how to change the default boot kernel in a Systemd-boot enabled system. The presenter demonstrates how to switch from the Zen kernel, which is currently the default, to the regular Arch Linux kernel. The process involves using the `bootctl`...
Lets talk about Grub
This video tutorial focuses on configuring the GRUB bootloader on Linux systems, specifically on how to manage boot options and the default kernel selection using GRUB settings. The presenter starts by discussing the GRUB menu, highlighting the use of the 'e' key to...
Installing W11 – dual boot with ArcoLinux and testing the three bootloaders – grub – systemd-boot – refind
The video discusses the complexities and challenges of dual-booting systems, particularly when combining Windows and Linux. We express a preference for using separate machines or at least separate hard drives for different operating systems, citing the potential...
Calamares – all you need to know
As always some of the videos containmore informationthan the title suggestsDid Calamares crash? Start by ensuring your hard disk or SSD is completely wiped using Gparted, then restart the installation process from scratch. Opt for the advanced installation if...
Nvidia-all from Frogging Family This video outlines a detailed walkthrough of troubleshooting and setting up NVIDIA drivers on a Linux system running Wayland, specifically for an NVIDIA graphics card that is around 10 years old. The speaker discusses...
Learning about grub – tools to analyze
The video is a tutorial on managing and customizing the GRUB (Grand Unified Bootloader) on an Arch Linux system. The presenter emphasizes the importance of independence in finding solutions and using the mlocate command to search for files related to GRUB. Key points...