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All information regarding compton and compton.conf
End of January 2019 compton has received a major update from version 4 to 5. We use it on 5 of 12 desktops at the time of writing. awesome bspwm i3 openbox xmonad Needless to say it has a big impact. Compton will provide you the following functionality : shading...
fix for failed to start light display manager
Option 1 update kernel and nvidia packagesGo to tty with CTRL + ALT + F2 Login Type in the terminal the following commands updateskelupall then type sudo update-mirrors then again type updateskelupall This means we have updated our computer. The second time we first...
How to install virtualbox 6 on W10 and set the correct settings to install ArcoLinux in virtualbox
You can install an operating system in a virtual machine like virtualbox, vmware, boxes, qemu,... and others. BUT Operating systems should run on "real metal". They need to be installed on your laptop or desktop. All the RAM and all the power of the CPU and GPU should...
All modules that are available for polybar – any desktop
Icons in polybarThe little icons you see in the polybar are defined by the font awesome-terminal-fonts. Changing the icons could not be easier. Surf to the website and copy/paste the icon you would like to have to your polybar config. ...
How to deactivate the transparency in i3 and openbox
Compton is a compositor for Openbox and i3. It will take care of transparency and shadows on your system. It 'beautifies' your system. But sometimes you need to take a picture and you rather not see the background coming through. How can I do this? Openbox has a menu...