We are all still learning.This is one suggestion how you can expand your knowledge.ArcoLinux has many packages. You can find them all on github.com.If you are interested to follow one particular package then you can do so.You can do it online via commits but you can...
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Use meld to compare folders and files coming in your /etc/skel any desktop
Shown on i3 Can be done on any desktop Use meld as a tool to compare your projects over time and easily compare the differences in your files or folders. Use meld as a tool to compare the ArcoLinux packages in /etc/skel with your own and decide what changes you will...
Neofetch update 7.0 can show more information – bupskel and ArcoLinux Tweak Tool
Content of the video we no longer have the ArcoLinux version in neofetch we learn why bupskel can be interesting do a bupskel before and after the update and then do a meld with these two new folders first do a skel to get the new config in your home directory or only...
Updating your system with skel and still keeping your own settings
"SKEL" CAN BE A BLESSING OR A CURSEWhen a Linux system is installed all the files and folders located in the folder /etc/skel will be transferred to the home directory of the user. Skel stands for skeleton. It is the developers intention that you have these files and...
Updating ArcoLinux – explaining/using many aliases bupskel, update, skel, upall, ps, psa, rip, riplong, cb and others – any desktop
During this video we will show you how to update with commands like bupskel, update, skel, cb and upall. This is not new. We use and make new aliases for the following reasons to be more efficient work faster have a better workflow Nobody says you NEED to use aliases....
Open crucial files with aliases in .bashrc – updating your bashrc to get new aliases in
SHORT VIDEOupdate skel cb You are doneLONG TECHNICAL VIDEOWe explain how to update.arcolinux-root-git contains your .bashrc and it is often that one that gets changed.https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bash#Configuration_filesWe start by talking about the importance...
How to change your grub theme
Just download and install. The easy installation is at the end of the article. First we visit the Arch wiki page to learn more about GRUB and the tips and trics of GRUB. We navigate to where the grub configuration file is and the grub themes are....
How to update ArcoLinux – long procedure – learn and analyze
If you want to learn more about your system and keep track of what changed then this procedure is for you.1 - bupskelWill create a backup folder of /etc/skel prior to your updates2 - updateWill download and install all Arch Linux and ArcoLinux packages3 - bupskelWill...
Use bupskel to compare the ArcoLinux updates coming in
We have created a new alias - bupskel. In ArcoLinux we put our configurations inside /etc/skel. Everything we put in this folder will be added to your home directory when we create a new iso. Bupskel will copy the content of /etc/skel to a hidden folder in your home...
How to update any ArcoLinux or how to stay rolling
Long procedure to update If you want to learn more about your system and keep track of what changed then this procedure is for you. 1 - bupskel Will create a backup folder of /etc/skel prior to your updates 2 - update Will download and install all Arch Linux and...
How to personalize the AUR-Lazuli conky
After the article how to create AUR-Azuli and set its vnstat service we can now change the conky to our own preferences. We copy/paste the conky so that it will never be overwritten when you do skel and give it a unique name. We change : use gpick to get some color...
How to incorporate and change a conky into ArcoLinux – creation of JA-Phone
Jesse Avalos or Speedracker has been a contributor of many nice conkies in the past. In this video we will download one of his conkies from deviantart and learn how to incorporate a conky in ArcoLinux. We rename the conkies to the conventions we use and with extension...