With the application font-manager-git you can easily select fonts. Search for Awesome font (installed by default) and copy/paste the code over your polybar. As is easy as that.
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How to add third party modules to polybar
We have added many modules to the polybar. Every now and again creative people will make new modules and you will find the configuration online. Our intention is to share the knowledge how you can add them to your system. It is not our attention to have all modules...
How to activate polybar on ArcoLinux i3
If you like you can switch from one bar system to the next. There are several choices. Here we will switch from the i3status bar to polybar. To start polybar we need to edit the file ~/.config/i3/config and search (CTRL + F) for the word polybar. Open the file with...
How to get two polybars in Openbox, Bspwm, i3, Xmonad and others
Polybar can be installed on different desktops. It is a personal choice.You can use it in bspwm (standard applied)i3openboxxmonad (standard applied)Polybar is fun since it has so many modules.You can make it transparent.Before we build polybar we make sure we will use...
How do you develop polybar modules – any desktop
In this video we show you how to create 3 modules for polybar. pamac - updates and pamac-managerdiscordvarietyThis is not only for Xmonad.Polybar is used on any desktop. ArcoLinux uses them on Bspwm and Xmonad.You can use them on i3 and openbox as well.We are...
How to make the polybar transparent
Sometimes you want some transparency.You can make the polybar transparent and it is not that difficult.There are 3 color themes present 01/2019 and only one is active.Change this line of code frombackground = #2F343Ftobackground = #aa2F343FLine 43 in the image.The aa...
All modules that are available for polybar – any desktop
Icons in polybarThe little icons you see in the polybar are defined by the font awesome-terminal-fonts. Changing the icons could not be easier. Surf to the website and copy/paste the icon you would like to have to your polybar config. ...
Adding jgmenu to your polybar
In this article we installed jgmenu and talked about this new menu called jgmenu coming from this github. We can add this menu as well to polybar. Polybar is an alternative menu you can use on Openbox, i3, Bspwm and so many more. We will now show you how to get this...
How to theme polybar to match an orange wallpaper
Polybar can be used in many desktops. We have already visited : Openbox i3 Bspwm We will need it for other desktop environments we will discover. It can be themed anyway you want. It takes some time to get used to but it can be fun. We learn how to search in the...
Polybar configuration in more detail – general and openbox module
First we are going to take a look at the launch.sh file to start polybar. If you are on ArchMerge 6.3.1 awesome font is installed. You only need to install polybar. If you are on ArchMergeD you need to install them both yaourt -S polybar awesome-terminal-fonts You can...
Polybar configuration in more detail – general and i3 module
First we are going to take a look at the launch.sh file to start polybar. If you are on ArchMerge 6.3.1 awesome font is installed. You only need to install polybar. If you are on ArchMergeD you need to install them both yaourt -S polybar awesome-terminal-fonts You can...