OLD SETTINGS OF VARIETYVariety received a new version 0.8.2 on 9th of January 2020. We have updated the configuration of Variety and show you the standard new settings and give you tips. Use the keyboard shortcuts to save wallpapers or to trash them. ALT + F or ALT +...
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How to set up variety with the use of desktoppr and dropbox
This tutorial is about Variety. I am going to show my personal settings and how I use desktoppr.co to improve my workflow to keep the best wallpapers in one place i.e. dropbox. Get yourself a dropbox account. Installing dropbox is explained in this...
How to delete variety and all its configuration files
This tutorial is about Variety. I am going to show how to deactivate variety but also how to delete the application and remove any and all of its configuration files. Procedure to delete variety and all its configurations. sudo pacman -R variety sudo pacman -R...
How to change the wallpaper with variety
riety is an application that I have discussed in so many articles and it is the first thing I install on any distro. Variety is standard installed on ArcoLinux. It is just the Rolls-Royce of wallpaper fetchers and wallpaper changers. But that is just my personal...
Things to do after ArcoLinux installation
things to do after first bootMIRROR Your package manager (pacman) is getting the Arch Linux files from Arch Linux servers from around the globe. Not all arch linux servers are near to you. Not all arch linux servers are fast. Not all arch linux servers are...
ArcoLinux Fast Track
Pre-installationWriting an iso is explained thoroughly in this article. We start either from Windows macOS Linux We can also burn an iso with dd (linux) from the terminal. Follow the link to know more.We provide you with different ways to see if an iso is corrupted or...
Where to find the wallpaper of a nice screenshot
People always ask me where can I find this or that wallpaper. When making tutorials variety is providing new wallpapers all the time. I never go look for a wallpaper. If there is a wallpaper I like, I will save it on my account at https://desktoppr.co/erikdubois. As a...
How to get the fastest Arch Linux servers
It started with the wish to have an up-to-date mirrorlist during the installation of ArcoLinux. Calamares provides us a great variety of applications to download. It is now more than ever important to get the best Arch Linux servers for your country. The alias mirror...
Fix for lightdm background keeps changing on login or logout
At this point in time, April 2019, we see a strange behavior on our XFCE desktop. IF you have set your wallpaper with a wallpaper coming from /usr/share/backgrounds, you will see that the background of your lightdm login screen will change to the wallpaper of your...
Updating ArcoLinux – explaining/using many aliases bupskel, update, skel, upall, ps, psa, rip, riplong, cb and others – any desktop
During this video we will show you how to update with commands like bupskel, update, skel, cb and upall. This is not new. We use and make new aliases for the following reasons to be more efficient work faster have a better workflow Nobody says you NEED to use aliases....
How do you develop polybar modules – any desktop
In this video we show you how to create 3 modules for polybar. pamac - updates and pamac-managerdiscordvarietyThis is not only for Xmonad.Polybar is used on any desktop. ArcoLinux uses them on Bspwm and Xmonad.You can use them on i3 and openbox as well.We are...
What to do after a clean installation of any ArcoLinux
Workflow after a clean installation diving into the scriptsArcoLinux 18.11.126/10/2018Interesting topics in this video buy an ssd to revive your older hardware buy a bay to quickly switch your ssd in your desktop pc dual screen settings of variety - wallhaven pause...