“SKEL” CAN BE A BLESSING OR A CURSE When a Linux system is installed all the files and folders located in the folder /etc/skel will be transferred to the home directory of the user. Skel stands for skeleton. It is the developers intention that you have...
BEFORE AFTER This super tip has always been on the installation page of Arch Linux in Phase 5 and also here.It merits some more attention because it gives you the opportunity to start againas if the nvme, ssd or harddisk were just coming out of the shop.All data...
Type in the terminal man pacman and start reading. Pacman is the most important command on any Arch Linux based system.It is your Package Manager.Pacman is your application to install and remove packages aka software and so much more. There is always the official Arch...
When navigating the internet you find aliases, configs, .dot files you might like to try. Before you do try to know as much as possible about the code. We are going to study this line of code from Nick Petrov. alias cleanup=’sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman...
Stacer is a linux optimization and monitoring tool. We take a look where this package is coming from. It is a debian package and we check out the PKGBUILD to find out the source. It comes from github from a package release. We check the autostart applications if they...