One of the reasons of this error message Failed to open light display manager is that the lightdm is really failing and that is not the Nvidia driver or the configs that are behind it. Solution Switch to SDDM and rule out if it is a lightdm issue or not. sudo pacman...
We refer you also to our arch-chroot information in this website. There we also cover BTRFS. If you recognize these symptoms then this article can help you : black screen at bootup bootup starts but halts bootup starts but...
At this point in time, April 2019, we see a strange behavior on our XFCE desktop. IF you have set your wallpaper with a wallpaper coming from /usr/share/backgrounds, you will see that the background of your lightdm login screen will change to the wallpaper of your...
This is just for people, who have a Nvidia card and need the nvidia package. The isos of 19.12.15 have now the possibility to install the nvidia package from within the calamares installer. During our tests every single installation worked fine as the linux kernel and...
Are you using the arcolinux-nemesis script? Are you using the arcogetstarted script? Did you read what the code does? what is the target audience for these scripts JUST ERIK DUBOIS The nemesis is a personalized script for Erik Dubois on the computers of Erik Dubois....
Option 1 update kernel and nvidia packages Go to tty with CTRL + ALT + F2 Login Type in the terminal the following commands updateskelupall then type sudo update-mirrors then again type updateskelupall This means we have updated our computer. The second time we first...
We concentrate all our arch-chroot information in this article. THIS PROCEDURE IS THE SAME ON ALL ARCH BASED SYSTEMS The goal of this article is to show you an alternative way to fix...
This applies to all desktop environments. Our goal is to change the autologin from Xfce to Openbox or i3. If we just want to change for one time than you logout and click on the icon at the top right corner of the login screen. The concept of ArcoLinux is that anyone...