At this point in time, April 2019, we see a strange behavior on our XFCE desktop. IF you have set your wallpaper with a wallpaper coming from /usr/share/backgrounds, you will see that the background of your lightdm login screen will change to the wallpaper of your...
Desktops may have applications to create a user. Plasma has for an example such a graphical application. However we do not need a graphical user interface (gui). You can always create a new user and give him/her a password via the terminal. You can find the relevant...
This procedure will work on ArcoLinuxArcoLinuxDArcoLinuxBArch LinuxAll you need to remember is that we work with lightdm display manager.You can find the lightdm configuration files in /etc/lightdm.Edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf with sublime text.Choose to view it...
This applies to all desktop environments. Our goal is to change the autologin from Xfce to Openbox or i3. If we just want to change for one time than you logout and click on the icon at the top right corner of the login screen. The concept of ArcoLinux is that anyone...