The package manager from Arch Linux aka pacman works with signed packages. To sign a package you need key. To be able to install a package you need a key. There is the “archlinux-keyring” package that will need an update from time to time and there is the...
Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains. Want to keep a copy of your /etc/hosts sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts-original These are the exact words from the developer, Héctor Molinero Fernández, on his github...
Our ArcoLinux Logout and ArcoLinux Betterlockscreen application have been around for a while. But every now and again the developers of betterlockscreen and i3lock will change their application. Then we adapt the code. We provide you a means to lock your system in...
Our systems have Bash as our standard shell. We could change to Zsh as shell. You can find the Zsh website here, the github here and the themes here. What do you install to have zsh? It all depends on the iso you start with Arch Linux, ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD or...
To find a solution to an issue, it is important to know the terminology.Search for “Arch Linux automount harddisk” and you will get lots of hits.One of them is the fstab from Arch Linux wiki. that page there is a...
Downgrading any package including the kernel is done for a reason. Most of the time we downgrade the package because the new update is malfunctioning with other software or with our hardware. We have an application already pre-installed called : downgrade. You can use...
install the desktops anytime anywhereon any Arch Linux based system ARCOLINUX TWEAK TOOLDOES SO MUCH MORE att-sddm att-zsh att-autostart att-mirrorlist att-desktop att-privacy att-themes att-mirorlist att-user att-neofetch att-pacman att-lightdm att-terminals att-grub...
Pacman is our package manager We have applications like pamac, discover or gnome-software to install software but there are also commands to do the same. We urge you to learn the commands that are behind all the GUIs. Installing Firefox is super simple. sudo pacman -S...
Copy/pasting can be fun and it is a good way to LEARN We welcome you to re-use our work You will find the latest version and link on the official channel on discord. One place to maintain – One place to update Over the years the numbers will increasethe name...
Desktops may have applications to create a user. Plasma has for an example such a graphical application. However we do not need a graphical user interface (gui). You can always create a new user and give him/her a password via the terminal. You can find the relevant...
OLD SETTINGS OF VARIETY Variety received a new version 0.8.2 on 9th of January 2020. We have updated the configuration of Variety and show you the standard new settings and give you tips. Use the keyboard shortcuts to save wallpapers or to trash them. ALT + F or ALT +...
Only for dual bootersANDonly if intel-ucode or amd-cude is installed Single bootingno amd-ucode or intel-ucode installednothing to do Single booting amd-ucode or intel-ucode installednothing to do Regularly check the bugs website of Arch for progress grub-mkconfig not...
Nemesis Personal Perfection of ArcoLinux Command to type in terminal git clone Nemesis is just a name for a bunch of scripts. It is NOT a new distro. After any ArcoLinux or Arch Linux installation you can run these...
This is a step by step guide what I typically would do on my computer system. Step 1 : install arcolinux Step 2 : update ARCH and arcolinux Make sure you have the fastest servers to download from with. We type this alias in the terminal. mirror Then we update in the...
never mind wifi use a lan cable do wifi when you have a desktop but some laptops only have wifi Option 1 nmtui Option 2 nmcli Still not on internet than use this informationto get there We have the wiki as our guide open: ...
game changer Learn, have fun and enjoy Build up from scratch or add desktops to your current one Use our githubs or our cheatsheet Get the cheat sheet on We re-organized the packages so it becomes clear what “lego...
Choose the correct language in Calamares Best tip ever We would like to change our language from English to French. First you check if the desktop provides you an application – in settings or so to change the language. Secondly we check if there is an...
Switching between desktops is done when you logout of a desktop.You can be on real metal or you can be on the live dvd.Difference is the account name and the password.But the idea is the same.On a live dvd you are the account ‘liveuser’ and you have no...
In the future we will see how we build our iso’s but today July 2019 the linux kernel is on the iso as fallback and your linux-lts is doing all the work.If you want to get rid of the linux-lts (often because part of your hardware is unsupported) you can delete...
All the information you will need is available – always google for arch wiki or arch linux and then your issue We googled for arch linux wireless headset Then we just read and see what we like or need....
Workflow after any clean install ofArcoLinux or Arch Linux no time to waste let linux work for us run and walk away improve script with every clean install My files are kept online in the cloud. There are many cloud services you can use. I am using google drive for my...
Making scripts is not that hard once you set your mind to it.We are basically writing down what we otherwise would do manually .Copying files over. Starting scripts. Deleting elements. Changing parts of text in files.Things we normally do manually, we will now...
This procedure will work on ArcoLinuxArcoLinuxDArcoLinuxBArch LinuxAll you need to remember is that we work with lightdm display manager.You can find the lightdm configuration files in /etc/lightdm.Edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf with sublime text.Choose to view it...
We have made sure that during the installation of Calamares we configure your system to use all cores. Only relevant if you go to phase 5 and do an Arch Linux installation We have explained in this article that we can improve the build time of applications...
Of course you can dual boot or triple-boot or even more but is it all worth it in the end. A lot of users are faced with a malfunctioning system at some point or other. I know you can learn from these setbacks and google for solutions until it is fixed… BUT What...
DISCLAIMER ArcoLinux is NOT responsible for ANY LOSS OF DATA resulting in these actions. We just want to help out and we point you to our Disclaimers page to make sure that you know YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
Workflow after a clean installation diving into the scriptsArcoLinux 18.11.126/10/2018 Interesting topics in this video buy an ssd to revive your older hardware buy a bay to quickly switch your ssd in your desktop pc dual screen settings of variety – wallhaven...
Starting from ArcoLinux 18.10 we added a package to support all the portables with their touch sensitive screens. For your information the package is called...
Many desktop environments give you a tool to set applications to autostart like xfce, cinnamon, mate, etc… but some of them do not like window tiling managers (often in the configs) or like Deepin. We may just not have found the application on Deepin but I am...
In the context of this tutorial we use Samba if we want to share files and folders with other computers in our private network. One computer becomes the Samba Server. It will give the service to share data on that computer with others on the network. Samba is already...
My advice is NOT to mix operating systems on one harddisk. Just to avoid frustrations for you and for me. I have a desktop and can easily switch my ssd’s to have ArcoLinuxD Cinnamon to ArcoLinuxD Awesome etcetera. But sometimes you have no choice then to put two...
We concentrate all our arch-chroot information in this article. We are working on a motherboard of Asus P8Z77-V LE and have an Nvidia Geforce GTX970. In this tutorial we have seen...
The file /etc/makepkg.conf can be edited so that it will use all available cores when you are building packages coming from the AUR. The more cores, you have, the more you have to gain with these settings. Use “lscpu” to see how many cores your system has....