Our ArcoLinux Logout and ArcoLinux Betterlockscreen application have been around for a while. But every now and again the developers of betterlockscreen and i3lock will change their application. Then we adapt the code. We provide you a means to lock your system in...
You can still install the old wallpapers from Submicron. The repository still exists. It is just not in the /etc/pacman.conf anymore for one obvious reason. Everyone has their own set of wallpapers. You will need to change your /etc/pacman.conf if you want to install...
Use our meta package to install all these fun applications sudo pacman -S arcolinux-meta-fun What will be installed : asciiquarium bashtop cmatrix cool-retro-term cowfortune figlet lolcat mc ranger sl ufetch-arco bash-pipes boxes cava cpufetch-git curseradio-git...
“SKEL” CAN BE A BLESSING OR A CURSE When a Linux system is installed all the files and folders located in the folder /etc/skel will be transferred to the home directory of the user. Skel stands for skeleton. It is the developers intention that you have...
Switching between desktops is done when you logout of a desktop.You can be on real metal or you can be on the live dvd.Difference is the account name and the password.But the idea is the same.On a live dvd you are the account ‘liveuser’ and you have no...
Do not do this on the ArcoLinux iso (Xfce, Openbox and i3) Setting the keyboard shortcutwill cause conflict in Openbox Great tip forArcoLinuxDArcoLinuxB We have left out the keyboard shortcut to open the (whisker) menu when pressing the super (windows) key because of...
We are all still learning.This is one suggestion how you can expand your knowledge.ArcoLinux has many packages. You can find them all on github.com.If you are interested to follow one particular package then you can do so.You can do it online via commits but you can...
When you install Xfce and follow the Arch wiki guide you can install the two main packagesxfce4xfce4-goodiesXfce4-goodies contains already a LOT of plugins. These plugins will work and are coming from the Arch repositories.You can add them to your xfce4 panel. Right...
There are many shortcuts build into Xfce Openbox i3 Many of them are the same. So once you know them you can use them everywhere. I want you to know these 3 already now. They are the “get me out of here” shortcuts. $ Keyboard Shortcuts To Remember...
At this point in time I can see just 2 options. Install the package gtk3-mushrooms coming from AUR. Or get rid of the system panel icons altogether. The reasoning is that we can reach those applications if we want to via shortcuts or terminal. We will show you the...
You can move about the windows in Xfce and put them in the corner (1/4th) or to the left or right (1/2th) or full screen. Resizing the windows can be done when going to the edges of the window and drag it into a direction. But also with the ALT key pressed together...
Python-pywal is the package. It is intended to be used in i3. The command is wal. Python-pywal will change the look of your computer in an instant. It will use the colors of your wallpaper and will decide what colors to use. You can not decide the colors. You see this...