There are lots of more tutorials about updating. There is even two playlists on Youtube just about updating. Watching these videos will learn you how to manage your operating system. Here we just want to update and get on with our work. You can use these commands as...
You can still install the old wallpapers from Submicron. The repository still exists. It is just not in the /etc/pacman.conf anymore for one obvious reason. Everyone has their own set of wallpapers. You will need to change your /etc/pacman.conf if you want to install...
Our systems have Bash as our standard shell. We could change to Zsh as shell. You can find the Zsh website here, the github here and the themes here. What do you install to have zsh? It all depends on the iso you start with Arch Linux, ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD or...
You may have seen me struggle with the Arch Linux servers in one of my videos.Time to dive into the application reflector. Read all about it on your own computer.Type reflector –help in the terminal and read more.Servers speed and service all depend on your own...
Starting from the September release of 2020 we went rolling and stopped using ‘versions’. Users mistakenly thought that the version was THE indicator to know if the operating system was up-to-date. The version number is arbitrary. It is just a text file...
We refer you also to our arch-chroot information in this website. There we also cover BTRFS. If you recognize these symptoms then this article can help you : black screen at bootup bootup starts but halts bootup starts but...
It started with the wish to have an up-to-date mirrorlist during the installation of ArcoLinux. Calamares provides us a great variety of applications to download. It is now more than ever important to get the best Arch Linux servers for your country. The alias mirror...
“SKEL” CAN BE A BLESSING OR A CURSE When a Linux system is installed all the files and folders located in the folder /etc/skel will be transferred to the home directory of the user. Skel stands for skeleton. It is the developers intention that you have...
During this video we will show you how to update with commands like bupskel, update, skel, cb and upall. This is not new. We use and make new aliases for the following reasons to be more efficient work faster have a better workflow Nobody says you NEED to use aliases....
All it takes to change the version number of ArcoLinux is changing the file /etc/lsb-release. I always say this number is super unimportant. It does NOT say that you have updated your system correctly. It is just a static number that any of us can change any way we...
Only for dual bootersANDonly if intel-ucode or amd-cude is installed Single bootingno amd-ucode or intel-ucode installednothing to do Single booting amd-ucode or intel-ucode installednothing to do Regularly check the bugs website of Arch for progress grub-mkconfig not...
SHORT VIDEO update skel cb You are done LONG TECHNICAL VIDEO We explain how to update.arcolinux-root-git contains your .bashrc and it is often that one that gets changed. start by talking about the...
In this video we urge you to think out of the box. If you are looking for answers then it is ok to listen to videos for other linux distributions. Applications are often identical or similar. You can learn from any tutorial. In regards to pamac-aur you can listen to...
There are so many articles out there that will tell you all about Arch Linux. Just like this one. There are many misconceptions about Arch Linux and so also about ArcoLinux. It is hard to install – ArcoLinux has a graphical installer Rolling releases are...
.bashrc is a very important file in your linux system. The point at the start means it is hidden. You need to press CTRL + H on many filemanagers to show the hidden files/folders. If you want to know much more about bash, you definitely need to read up on the Arch...
Workflow after any clean install ofArcoLinux or Arch Linux no time to waste let linux work for us run and walk away improve script with every clean install My files are kept online in the cloud. There are many cloud services you can use. I am using google drive for my...
In this video there are a lot of updates coming in from AUR. One of them has an error in the build and that stops all the updates in its tracks. With pamac-aur we can easily overcome this and in a graphical environment. Make sure you add the AUR to the settings of...
BEFORE AFTER This super tip has always been on the installation page of Arch Linux in Phase 5 and also here.It merits some more attention because it gives you the opportunity to start againas if the nvme, ssd or harddisk were just coming out of the shop.All data...
If you want to learn more about your system and keep track of what changed then this procedure is for you.1 – bupskelWill create a backup folder of /etc/skel prior to your updates2 – updateWill download and install all Arch Linux and ArcoLinux packages3...
The developer was kind enough to give us a script that is going to look online what the version is and calculate the md5 sum. That is awesome. The script works with a command pup. ArcoLinux does not have that installed so we need to install it and its dependency go....
AUR or Arch Linux User Repository is a huge collection of PKGBUILDS that will install thousands of applications on your system. It will install on anything Arch Linux based.Sometimes packages break.The reason are too diverse to go into.In this particular case the URL...
Every video about updating your system to the latest edition will learn you something. The video will always contain more information than the title suggests. That applies to all the videos. Staying rolling is the focus point in this article. Here is the more detailed...
Long procedure to update If you want to learn more about your system and keep track of what changed then this procedure is for you. 1 – bupskel Will create a backup folder of /etc/skel prior to your updates 2 – update Will download and install all Arch...
error: failed retrieving file ‘extra.db’ from : Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 10 seconds This is the message we are talking about. You will have a different server from a different country. But...
Never mind the warningUpdate the mirrorlist with mirror in the terminal Pacman or your PACkage MANager is going to get its packages from different servers over the world. Depending where you live you select the servers that our near to you in distance BUT they may not...
Open the file /etc/pacman.conf with sublime text and add these lines to it [arcolinux_repo_3party] SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional Server =$arch Then do an update sudo pacman -Syyu and then you can install the...
This applies to all desktop environments. Pamac is our graphical updater in ArcoLinux. You can find more info about updating via pamac in this article. But you can also update in the terminal. Personally I start the day with a command in the terminal and read what...
The file /etc/makepkg.conf can be edited so that it will use all available cores when you are building packages coming from the AUR. The more cores, you have, the more you have to gain with these settings. Use “lscpu” to see how many cores your system has....
In this article we have learned that there is a powerful tool installed on ArchMerge i.e. downgrade. With this application you can downgrade an application in an easy way. You can see the picture at the bottom page how to downgrade firefox. BUT when you do a clean...
Shown on i3 Can be done on any desktop Use meld as a tool to compare your projects over time and easily compare the differences in your files or folders. Use meld as a tool to compare the ArcoLinux packages in /etc/skel with your own and decide what changes you will...
UPDATE archlinux-keyring first then the rest If there are keys that give an error when updating, you should first check if there is a new archlinux-keyring. January 2018 it was this key but it can be any other in the future : CEB167EFB5722BD6 If there is no update...
Starting from ArchMerge 6.2.1 we have many more packages to update our system i.e. Rolling Release. Some of them need to be installed in our own personal home folder. In that case you need to take action to get the latest files and folders and move them to your own...
What I can not check now anymore is that reinstalling the archlinux-keyring would probably have fixed this without initializing and populating it. Will try that next time. sudo pacman-key –init sudo pacman-key –populate archlinux If necessary this one sudo...
This applies to all desktop environments. Pamac is our standard updater in ArcoLinux. You can update your system also in the terminal. That is for another article. Pamac provides us a tray-icon (assuming you did not change the icon theme) that is white. This means...