Our systems have Bash as our standard shell.
We could change to Zsh as shell. You can find the Zsh website here, the github hereĀ and the themes here.
What do you install to have zsh?
It all depends on the iso you start with Arch Linux, ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD or ArcoLinuxB.
ArcoLinux and ArcoLinuxB users can skip all the installations and just start using our aliases tobash and tozsh to switch.
If you have started with ArcoLinuxD orĀ Arch Linux you are missing packages and aliases.
sudo pacman -S zsh sudo pacman -S zsh-completions sudo pacman -S zsh-syntax-highlighting sudo pacman -S arcolinux-zsh-git sudo pacman -S oh-my-zsh-git
The content of the package arcolinux-zsh-git will be installed in /etc/skel. In that folder you will find the file .zshrc.
Make sure you copy that to your homefolder.
After installing all these packages you are set to switch to Zsh. These things are needed on ArcoLinuxD or Arch Linux.
Switching to Zsh is done via the alias “tozsh“.
In the same way we can switch back to Bash with “tobash“.
And then you log out and you will see a different shell in neofetch.
The prompt will be changing because of the package oh-my-zsh-git that is coming from the AUR.
We show you how Zsh reacts if you want to install packages such as zsh-completions.
We show you how the syntax highlighting works.
cb is not present in Zsh
cz is present in Zsh
alias tozsh
alias tozsh="sudo chsh $USER -s /bin/zsh && echo 'Now log out.'"
alias tobash
alias tobash="sudo chsh $USER -s /bin/bash && echo 'Now log out.'"
Interesting sources
The Zsh theme is set to random.
Everytime a surprise or change it to one specific one
Interesting links to learn more