This is a command that just works on any Linux system. Type in the terminal the command aliasĀ and you will get the list of all possible aliases on that system.
Making a new one is super easy.
For example when you type inxi you get just 3 lines of information.
If you type inxi -b you get a lot more.
You can add an alias that will change the inxi command in the inxi -b command like this
alias inxi='inxi -b'
and add it to the .bashrc.
Bashrc will be read each time you login and the aliases will be applied.
In this video you will see the 5 new aliases in action.
- skel will copy/paste everything from /etc/skel to your home directory
- hw is an application that will give you hardware info
- kc will kill all conkies
- yayskip will skip integrity checks when installing
- trizenskip will skip integrity checks when installing