Option 1
Option 2
Still not on internet
than use this information
to get there
We have the wiki as our guide open:
We follow the wiki and type in the commands we read on the wiki.
We need to know the name of our network interface card or NIC.
ip link provided us the name aka wlp4s0
All applications to connect to the wifi are installed on ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB like wpa_supplicant, wifi-menu, iw, wireless_tools, …
Then we need to set the link to up
sudo ip link set wlp4s0
Then we need to connect to an access point.
sudo wifi-menu
Select the correct wifi and type your password.
Now we should still contact the wifi – it know what to contact and how to contact but there is no connection to it yet.
On ArcoLinux we have always networkmanager installed so we have also this nmtui installed.