Possible rescue when you run into issues with the livedvd
You can login via TTY in ArcoLinux - No password required Bare metal = CTRL + ALT + F2 till F6 VirtualBox = right CTRL + F2 till F6 Then you need to update the pacman database with sudo pacman -Syyu Then you can install and remove packages with pacman. With df you...
How to install Samba on any ArcoLinux system
Samba - arch wikiQuick and easyOPTION 1use the scriptsUse the scripts in your home directory provided by arcolinux-bin-git. Run script 1, 2 and 3. Evaluate what happens to your system and change it if needed. This smb.conf is different as the one in the...
How to get the best Arch Linux servers to update your system
You may have seen me struggle with the Arch Linux servers in one of my videos.Time to dive into the application reflector. Read all about it on your own computer.Type reflector --help in the terminal and read more.Servers speed and service all depend on your own...
Fix for key could not be looked up remotely
confirmed IT is a port issue @ home Network @ work no issue The HKP protocol uses 11371/tcp for communication. In order to get the signed keys from the servers (using pacman-key), this port is required for communication. Arch Wiki link quick fixLONG VERSION This is...
Fix your ArcoLinux or Arch Linux computer with these 2 tips
We refer you also to our arch-chroot information in this website. https://www.arcolinuxd.com/arch-linux-utils/ There we also cover BTRFS.If you recognize these symptoms then this article can help you : black screen at bootup bootup starts but halts bootup starts but...
How to change the look of some applications with kvantum example virtualbox
31 December 2018 we get an update in : new kernel 4.20 and virtualbox 6.0. The first image is virtualbox before the update. The second image is the content of the update. The third image is virtualbox after the update. Time to do something about this "new look" of...
Fix for lightdm background keeps changing on login or logout
At this point in time, April 2019, we see a strange behavior on our XFCE desktop. IF you have set your wallpaper with a wallpaper coming from /usr/share/backgrounds, you will see that the background of your lightdm login screen will change to the wallpaper of your...
Installation failed – boost python error in job “umount”
Calamares ran into a problem unmounting the harddisk and crashed. It means your system is installed - just reboot now
Fix for kernel panic when dualbooting with intel-ucode or amd-ucode
Only for dual bootersANDonly if intel-ucode or amd-cude is installedSingle bootingno amd-ucode or intel-ucode installednothing to doSingle booting amd-ucode or intel-ucode installednothing to doRegularly check the bugs website of Arch for progress grub-mkconfig not...
Fix for lightdm failed to start – calamares – only for nvidia users – 19.12.15 iso
This is just for people, who have a Nvidia card and need the nvidia package. The isos of 19.12.15 have now the possibility to install the nvidia package from within the calamares installer. During our tests every single installation worked fine as the linux kernel and...
Fix for Failed to start lightdm manager
Are you using the arcolinux-nemesis script?Are you using the arcogetstarted script?Did you read what the code does?what is the target audience for these scriptsJUST ERIK DUBOISThe nemesis is a personalized script for Erik Dubois on the computers of Erik Dubois. You...
Fix for discover on Plasma
In the video we show you how to find the solution on your own.Use pamac-aur to get more info about the package that reports an error.Are there dependencies missing?Knowing how to find the answer yourself is as important as finding the answer.sudo pacman -S...
Fix for bluetooth not switching off – any desktop
In the above image you see a blue switch to turn bluetooth on and off.Recently we can no longer switch it off any more. For me personally that is unimportant as I want it on all the time for my bluetooth headphones.However if you want to be able to switch it off then...
fix for failed to start light display manager
Option 1 update kernel and nvidia packagesGo to tty with CTRL + ALT + F2 Login Type in the terminal the following commands updateskelupall then type sudo update-mirrors then again type updateskelupall This means we have updated our computer. The second time we first...
All information regarding compton and compton.conf
End of January 2019 compton has received a major update from version 4 to 5. We use it on 5 of 12 desktops at the time of writing. awesome bspwm i3 openbox xmonad Needless to say it has a big impact. Compton will provide you the following functionality : shading...
Calamares tip – make sure the bootloader is filled in and avoid frustrations
Compare the bottom line of both images.It should never be empty.This tip for calamares (our installer) only concerns people that have older hardware and use MBR to install ArcoLinuxthat use Virtual Box and use MBR to install ArcoLinux.EFI or UEFI people are NOT...
Fix it yourself and get the latest update of vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin in
In this particular case the maintainer has provided us with an update script.You need to run update_pkg.sh and then build (makepkg) the package as usual and you will have the latest package of vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin.Follow the video to see every step of the...
Reduce your shutdown time from 90 seconds to 30 seconds
Only if your computer shuts down after 90 secondssome of our computers have it but not allChange one line in one file on your system and reboot and reboot again to see a shutdown time of 30 seconds. /etc/systemd/system.conf Change this line #DefaultTimeoutStopSec=90s...
Installing the lastest Sublime-Text-Dev from PKGBUILD and with updpkgsums
THERE IS NO NEED TO INSTALL THE LATEST VERSIONLet us assume that having the last version of Sublime-Text-Dev is important to you and you can not wait an other day till the maintainer has updated the PKGBUILD. Your update will come in automatically by that time.We will...
Fix for hanging loading location data screen in calamares
During the installation Calamares tries to make contact with a server to know your timezone.Calamares checks your timezone with this code (February 2019).--- region: "America" zone: "New_York" # GeoIP settings. Leave commented out to disable GeoIP. localeGenPath:...
Install software from the ArcoLinux Iso Repository if the pkgbuild fails
At this moment of writing Timeshift (it can be any other package) can not be build. The maintainer says to downgrade vala. You will be able to build the very latest package then. But let us be honest the latest version is sometimes not that important. As long as you...
What to do if one AUR package is blocking the update of all the other AUR packages
In this video there are a lot of updates coming in from AUR. One of them has an error in the build and that stops all the updates in its tracks. With pamac-aur we can easily overcome this and in a graphical environment. Make sure you add the AUR to the settings of...
How to completely destroy the content of your disk and start installing with a clean slate
BEFORE AFTER This super tip has always been on the installation page of Arch Linux in Phase 5 and also here.It merits some more attention because it gives you the opportunity to start againas if the nvme, ssd or harddisk were just coming out of the shop.All data...
Use all your cores during build or installation of packages
We have made sure that during the installation of Calamares we configure your system to use all cores. Only relevant if you go to phase 5 and do an Arch Linux installation We have explained in this article that we can improve the build time of applications...
How to fix the system panel icons in i3
At this point in time I can see just 2 options. Install the package gtk3-mushrooms coming from AUR. Or get rid of the system panel icons altogether. The reasoning is that we can reach those applications if we want to via shortcuts or terminal. We will show you the...
How to fix icons that never change their look whatever theme you choose
Icons that never change their look whatever icon theme you choose are : hardcoded icons. At the time of the launch of Kirk 1st October 2017 there were 5 such applications present. These applications have an absolute path to a picture on your system. This path will...
Fix for One or more PGP signatures could not be verified!
In the meantime we have changed our aur helper to trizen / yay and we will change it probably in future again. Aur helpers have a tendency to come and go. trizen --skipinteg package-to-install yay -S --mflags --skipinteg package-to-install When the installation of an...
Fix for updated applications or how to downgrade an application
Pamac-aur (February 2018) You can Downgrade pamac-AURBUT IT IS NOT A MUST February 8th 2018 an update from pamac-aur (6.2.3) comes in and gives us an issue. We do not seem to be able to open preferences in this new version. What makes it more strange is that some of...
How to fix the pkgbuild of vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin
The developer was kind enough to give us a script that is going to look online what the version is and calculate the md5 sum. That is awesome. The script works with a command pup. ArcoLinux does not have that installed so we need to install it and its dependency go....
Help us to keep the AUR up to date and everyone benefits from it
AUR or Arch Linux User Repository is a huge collection of PKGBUILDS that will install thousands of applications on your system. It will install on anything Arch Linux based.Sometimes packages break.The reason are too diverse to go into.In this particular case the URL...
Use bupskel to compare the ArcoLinux updates coming in
We have created a new alias - bupskel. In ArcoLinux we put our configurations inside /etc/skel. Everything we put in this folder will be added to your home directory when we create a new iso. Bupskel will copy the content of /etc/skel to a hidden folder in your home...
How to install a package by skipping the validity check
Sometime the maintainers of packages from AUR are just on holiday or sick and the pkgbuild needs to be updated because the sources it uses have been updated but not the validity checksums of the pkgbuild. The normal procedure would be to get into contact with the...
Fixing the Samba error message in November 2018
The first picture shows you the samba status before the updates come in.Right terminal says smb service is active and running and is colored in green. Just recently we get an Samba error after updating to version 4.9.2-1. We only see the message when we shutdown and...
How to fix time-out or slow Arch Linux servers
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from mirror.ams1.nl.leaseweb.net : Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 10 seconds This is the message we are talking about. You will have a different server from a different country. But these things...
Arc-gtk-theme supplies support for Openbox – coming from Nico Hood – fix error
Arc-gtk-theme source on Arch repo has changed from horst3180 to nicohood. Nico provides us with Openbox support out-of-the-box. Horst did not. We can delete this package for the installation to continue. We do not need it anymore now. Thank you Nico for supporting...
Fix for libutf8proc.so.2 exists in filesystem
This article and video is here to remind you that ArcoLinux is based on Arch Linux. error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) libutf8proc: /usr/lib/libutf8proc.so.2 exists in filesystem Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded. If you encounter...
How to fix one or more pgp signatures could not be verified libc++ and discord by adding a new repo
Add the repo and install discord in 30 seconds rather than 30 minutes. Only the people that had discord installed before the update of libc++ will see this error. We are 11th July 2018. You will see no errors if you install discord after that date. Discord is our...
How to fix one or more pgp signatures could not be verified libc++ and discord
Only the people that had discord installed before the update of libc++ will see this error. We are 11th July 2018. You will see no errors if you install discord after that date. Discord is our communication channel between users and ArcoLinux team members and you are...
How to reset the password of your ArcoLinux system
We get all the information from the Arch wiki. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/reset_root_password Procedure boot from the ArcoLinux iso mount your root partition change password unmount Commands used in the video lsblk sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt sudo passwd...
How to fix virtualbox freezing up on kernel 4.17.2 – June 2018
This solution is interesting now June 2018 but will be void in the future. Updates for either VirtualBox and or the kernel to solve the freezing issue will be coming soon. Updating from kernel 4.16.2 to 4.17.2 gives us issuesWe suspect the kernel and the Virtualbox...
Fixing the error message package-query: error while loading shared libraries: libalpm.so.10
OPTION 1 - super quick fix YOU NEED TO REMOVE TWO PACKAGES AND INSTALL THEM AGAIN sudo pacman -R package-query pamac-aur trizen package-query trizen pamac-aur OPTION 2 - educational building iso Tuesday 29 May 2018 we get an error when updating with pksyua....
Changing sublime-text-dev not to check for an update
When we update our engines today we see a message in sublime-text-dev. "update_check": false If you do not want your sublime-text to check for updates, you need to change a setting. That is explained in the video.
Fix for gnome-software – no images of software
May 2018 we discovered that gnome-software no longer displayed all the images of the software. As of May 2018 you need these two packages to have a working gnome-software. sudo pacman -S gnome-software sudo pacman -S gnome-software-packagekit-plugin
How to fix any Arch Linux based system like ArcoLinux, Antergos, Manjaro, …
We concentrate all our arch-chroot information in this article.https://www.arcolinuxd.com/10-use-the-power-of-arch-chroot-when-your-computer-crashes/THIS PROCEDURE IS THE SAME ON ALL ARCH BASED SYSTEMSThe goal of this article is to show you an alternative way to fix...
How to install the nvidia driver and how to fix the system if it breaks – April 2018
We concentrate all our arch-chroot information in this article.https://www.arcolinuxd.com/10-use-the-power-of-arch-chroot-when-your-computer-crashes/We are working on a motherboard of Asus P8Z77-V LE and have an Nvidia Geforce GTX970. In this tutorial we have seen how...
Fix for running out of space in /tmp directory
Sometimes if the build is becoming too big you can run out of place. Tmp is too small or similar message shows up. This is the solution and there is no need to reboot. More info on Arch Wiki. mount -o remount,size=4G,noatime /tmp Please provide me with the correct...
Fix your computer when you can no longer boot from it
THIS APPLIES TO ALL ARCH LINUX BASED DISTRO'S Changing root is commonly done for performing system maintenance on systems where booting and/or logging in is no longer possible. Common examples are: Reinstalling the bootloader. Rebuilding the initramfs image. Upgrading...
How to fix the “ugly” lines when you shutdown
Somewhere in March we got an update in that makes our shutdown look different. We see now a lot of strange lines. Nick Petrov went to look for a solution and found a way to hide these messages. Follow his procedure: Edit the file /etc/mkinitcipo.conf with sublime-text...
Fixing the pkgbuild of spotify or any other application
The AUR is a place where all the pkgbuilds are kept for many interesting applications. They are maintained by you and me so regular users. In this case on 1st April 2018 the maintainer is on holiday. In the meantime the developers from spotify deleted a file on the...
Fixing zita-resampler update blocking all updates
This video is purely for educational reasons. Why? Because in a few days time this problem will not be there anymore. If you update your system and you get a message like error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) then you have 3 options. wait until a new...
How to speed up your computer during building
The file /etc/makepkg.conf can be edited so that it will use all available cores when you are building packages coming from the AUR. The more cores, you have, the more you have to gain with these settings. Use "lscpu" to see how many cores your system has. That is...
How to downgrade an application if downgrade does not work
In this article we have learned that there is a powerful tool installed on ArchMerge i.e. downgrade. With this application you can downgrade an application in an easy way. You can see the picture at the bottom page how to downgrade firefox. BUT when you do a clean...
Fix for vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin not updated and vivaldi is updated
In the video I am looking at the ffmpeg file while I should have been looking at the ffmpeg-extra file In this article we are going to become a little more technical. It is not necessary to follow along since updates in Arch Linux take about 3-5 days and then your...
Fix for cannot stat no such file or directory
An application coming from AUR will always have a PKGBUILD you can read and edit. Normally there is no need for that. Just in some odd occasions you will need to edit it to overcome an installation problem. Jan 2018 conky-lua-archers is a great example how to solve an...
Fix for error message Duplicate Target
When I installed zoom the other day I had an error message "Duplicate target". This has happened also with other applications. Pacman finds two pkg.tar.xz files and is confused. When errors occur, go to your /tmp folder and check what is happening. When you installed...
Change folder permissions and ownership any desktop – an example
Sometimes you have these harddisks or ssd lying around with data. Then you connect them with your current linux distribution and you can not access them. Often the harddisk does not get mounted automatically. In ArcoLinux it has been set to automount any connected...
Fix for key could not be looked up remotely – update your archlinux-keyring first
UPDATE archlinux-keyring first then the rest If there are keys that give an error when updating, you should first check if there is a new archlinux-keyring. January 2018 it was this key but it can be any other in the future : CEB167EFB5722BD6 If there is no update...
Error in a package update you do not want to keep
Packages or applications coming from AUR can cause problems. The individuals have to maintain the pkgbuild and need to update it if the source changes, the checksum changes, and so many other variables. January 8, 2018 we had an example with snapd....
Fix for error no space left on device
When making the article about upgrading ArchMerge 6.1 to 6.2 we encountered an error that I had to fix already several times. It deserves to have its own 'fix article'. How to fix this error message : no space left on device Solution : mount -o...
How to fix youtube input boxes are unreadable in firefox with dark theme
In firefox you come on websites like youtube where you need to type in your name or a description and the inputbox is nearly unreadable. The fact that it is unreadable might be due to the settings of the dark theme you are using. I am using the Arc theme...
How to overcome an installation error due to an update coming from AUR
AUR or Arch User Repository does NOT contain applications. What it contains are recipes how to make applications. Let us call them : ways to build a package or PKGBUILDs. Every maintainer shares with us this 'recipe' on a voluntary basis without charge. In...
How to fix could not satisfy dependencies
On November 2017 teamviewer 12 could still be installed on Arch Linux. Soon the 32 bit support will fall away and we will see then what this means for this application that relies on 32 bits packages. After writing a script to install teamviewer you might get this...
Fixing the message Key could not be looked up remotely
What I can not check now anymore is that reinstalling the archlinux-keyring would probably have fixed this without initializing and populating it. Will try that next time. sudo pacman-key --init sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux If necessary this one...