If you like you can switch from one bar system to the next. There are several choices.
Here we will switch from the i3status bar to polybar.
To start polybar we need to edit the file ~/.config/i3/config and search (CTRL + F) for the word polybar.
Open the file with an editor.
We have changed the i3 configuration file to have an extra line for polybar.
This is the correct code. Get rid of the hashtag before the polybar line.
#Polybar exec_always --no-startup-id ~/.config/polybar/launch.sh &
When we log out and log back in polybar will be launched.
But the i3status bar will be there as well.
Then we delete the bottom bar in i3. All text between bar { …. } has to be deleted. Take a backup before you do. Remember that there is also an i3 config in /etc/skel.
Older video – Extra info
We will show you how to add more functionality in Atom like pigments and minimap in one of the older video.
We show you as well how to get rid of the conky that starts up with i3 (older video).
Older video – Extra info
We will show you how to add more functionality in Atom like pigments and minimap in one of the older video.
We show you as well how to get rid of the conky that starts up with i3 (older video).