How to build your personal Arc theme on the github of Nico Hoods

Install the new Arc themes based on Nico Hoods github with

sudo pacman -S arcolinux-arc-gtk-theme-nico-git

Long version

Originally the Arc theme comes from the github of Horst3180. Some time ago development stopped and Nico Hood (and others) stepped in and took over on the github of Nico Hood.

In the past I had a script created to change the blue color of the Arc theme to any color I like – choose one color out of 16.000.000 colors. The script is called Arc-Theme-Colora. It takes you by the hand and guides you till you have a new Arc theme. We do not need the old script.

We created a new github for the maintenance of the Arc themes on ArcoLinux.



There are two major projects:

One is for ArcoLinux users and Arch Linux users aka folder “use-this-for-just-one-theme”

One is for ArcoLinux maintainers – “” – all themes in 1 go

The scripts in the folder “use-this-for-just-one-theme” was just for warming up.

I wanted to build a script that will create all 23 icon themes. Aqua and Pink are 2 new ones.

We will run this script at a certain interval and we will update our package that way.

Follow the video and the script to get your personal Arc theme.

Remark: rewatching the video it seems I mistyped at the end of the video – I did pacman -S instead of pacman -R and was wondering why Arc theme was still there… It happened. Never mind.

Short version

Procedure to make a personal Arc Theme

  1. Get the scripts from
  2. Choose a color – example Sardi-Mint-Y-Pink
  3. script 1 install the software
  4. script 2 change the color – copy/paste from gpick in the video
  5. script 3 we use the make install from Nico Hood
  6. script 4 rename and move the themes
  7. script 5 reinstall the original Arc theme or just sudo pacman -S arc-gtk-theme

Because we need gnome-shell to build the Arc-theme you will see at your login screen GNOME.

After creation of the Arc themes you can delete gnome-shell again with

sudo pacman -Rs gnome-shell