Please use the search on all our websites and forum first before asking a question.
Please use the githubs first to figure out what packages you are missing.
Please use the githubs first to figure out what file or setting you are missing.
Please use the ArcoLinuxD website if you want to go to phase 5 aka Arch Linux installation.
Please use the ArcoLinuxD website if you want to get the spices in from ArcoLinux on Arch Linux.
Please use the terminal to search for packages – sudo pacman -S arcolinux- press twice on tab
Please use pamac-aur to look for packages.
Please use pamac-aur to learn about the content of each package.
Not only our forum can help you. Search on other Arch Linux based forums as well like Manjaro.
Did not find what you were looking for then
If technical –> post on
ask on discord or telegram.
Does that sound like a plan?
Learn, have fun and enjoy.