How to get the logo of ArcoLinux back in neofetch/termite

Update of 27 December 2018

Neofetch is an application to have an overview of the most important settings.

You can either have an ASCII look or an IMAGE look.

After the update and the skel to copy/paste the new configs to your home directory, there should be only two neofetch configurations in your home folder : ~/.config/neofetch

  • config.conf is the one that actually works and is an ascii logo
  • logo-config.conf is the one with the settings to have an image logo rather than an ascii logo 

Delete the old configuration files.

Do not worry about backups. /etc/skel contains one 

You can choose many more colored logo’s – standard white

The image logo will disappear once you click elsewhere

Great tip 

Beware of the cache files

when experimenting with 


If on ArcoLinuxD -B or Arch Linux make sure the dependencies of Neofetch are installed. Most notably

  • imagemagick
  • w3m
  • feh

You can check dependencies in pamac-aur or in terminal

sudo pacman -Qi neofetch