How to install kodi and how to use it

First things first. You want to install software, set it up correcly and use it.
ArcoLinux is based on Arch Linux.
Check first the arch wiki.

Then you see that installing could not be easier. Type a short command in the terminal. You can use gnome-software as well.

sudo pacman -S kodi

The application, you need, may also come from AUR. Then you will see a little AUR next to the name then you use packer, pacaur or yaourt.

It has been a long time since I have used kodi but it is quite intuitive. It takes only 15 minutes to find your way again in the ‘maze’.

TIP : Do not use the mouse. Use the arrow keys, escape,…

TIP : Spacebar stops the movie.

You can install addons like

There is also the possibility to have subtitles on your videos. You just download the subtitles inside kodi via addons.

I understand this is not a complete tutorial into all the details. It will give you an overview of what is possible and if you add folders with movies, music and photo’s you will see the full potential of Kodi. If you just want to watch a movie then vlc will do fine.

Kodi is a software media player and entertainment hub.

If you feel this triggers your interest, there are many channels on youtube, which dive deep into settings, themes, add-ons etc.. Enjoy

More info at the kodi site. You will see all the possible add-ons there. They have a forum and a wiki. Use those resources to improve kodi the way you like.


Keyboard Shortcuts To Remember

SUPER + T … CTRL + ALT+ T … Super + Enter

Launch your terminal

TIP: Logoff and choose to login with kodi for better experience