Theming ArcoLinux when a red wallpaper comes in

Theming ArcoLinux when a red wallpaper comes in

When a red wallpaper comes in, we start theming ArcoLinux all red.Conky logo is chosen.A new combination of icons is created. Use the inherit in your icon theme.A new theme is chosen.We explain the derivatives from Sardi. Just one icon did not change all red.Then we...

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Expand Sardi and Surfn icons with 10 Mint-Y folder icons

Expand Sardi and Surfn icons with 10 Mint-Y folder icons

When visiting Linux Mint 19.1 I discovered you can get folder color variations on the Arc theme from horst3180. Specifically the icons for the filemanagers interested me. You can already install the Mint-Y icons from aur today with yay -S mint-y-icons-git I worked on...

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Install the zafiro icon theme and use the power of inherits

Install the zafiro icon theme and use the power of inherits

I came across the Zafiro icon theme on the social media. The icon theme was mentioned. As an Arch Linux user the first thing you do .... is check ... is it on the AUR? It is on the AUR! Install it with yay -S zafiro-icon-theme Let us use this icon theme to demonstrate...

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Easy way to change the numix folders from color

Easy way to change the numix folders from color

There is an application that will let you change ONLY the Numix folders from color AND choose also a different kind of folder if you want it. Just point and click and apply. Could not be simplier. It will overwrite the original Numix folder icons. But you can reset it...

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