Fix your ArcoLinux or Arch Linux computer with these 2 tips

Fix your ArcoLinux or Arch Linux computer with these 2 tips

We refer you also to our arch-chroot information in this website. There we also cover BTRFS.If you recognize these symptoms then this article can help you :  black screen at bootup bootup starts but halts bootup starts but...

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Fix for Failed to start lightdm manager

Fix for Failed to start lightdm manager

Are you using the arcolinux-nemesis script?Are you using the arcogetstarted script?Did you read what the code does?what is the target audience for these scriptsJUST ERIK DUBOISThe nemesis is a personalized script for Erik Dubois on the computers of Erik Dubois. You...

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fix for failed to start light display manager

fix for failed to start light display manager

Option 1 update kernel and nvidia packagesGo to tty with CTRL + ALT + F2 Login Type in the terminal the following commands updateskelupall then type sudo update-mirrors then again type updateskelupall This means we have updated our computer. The second time we first...

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