Planning to install a Nvidia driver.

First visit the Arch Wiki and read the guidelines.

Nvidia-all from Frogging Family

Nvidia-all from Frogging Family This video outlines a detailed walkthrough of troubleshooting and setting up NVIDIA drivers on a Linux system running Wayland, specifically for an NVIDIA graphics card that is around 10 years old. The speaker discusses...

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Are there any ArcoLinux conkies that show Nvidia info

Are there any ArcoLinux conkies that show Nvidia info

We use the command 'pt' or catfish to search for the word 'nvidia' in our conkies folder. Then we copy/paste the conky and change anything we like.  'skel' is an alias some of us use. It will override the conkies from ArcoLinux but your own conkies. Renaming them is...

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Installing the official nvidia driver for a GeForce GTX970

Installing the official nvidia driver for a GeForce GTX970

In this other article we install via pacman. That is the preferred way. Then pacman can actually manage the package. In this article we will use the .run file from look at the beneath to understand the steps we will have to take. The first video is...

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How to install steam on ArcoLinux

How to install steam on ArcoLinux

The motto of ArcoLinux is Learn, have fun and enjoy. This is the have fun part for sure. We install steam via the terminal. The desktop you install steam on does not matter. You will need a login and password for steam and it will ask a second password so that your...

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Fix for Failed to start lightdm manager

Fix for Failed to start lightdm manager

Are you using the arcolinux-nemesis script?Are you using the arcogetstarted script?Did you read what the code does?what is the target audience for these scriptsJUST ERIK DUBOISThe nemesis is a personalized script for Erik Dubois on the computers of Erik Dubois. You...

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fix for failed to start light display manager

fix for failed to start light display manager

Option 1 update kernel and nvidia packagesGo to tty with CTRL + ALT + F2 Login Type in the terminal the following commands updateskelupall then type sudo update-mirrors then again type updateskelupall This means we have updated our computer. The second time we first...

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Which nvidia cards are supported by which nvidia driver

Which nvidia cards are supported by which nvidia driver

I just found, by accident really, a nice list of all the graphical cards from Nvidia and their drivers. If the link is gone, we still have this page.   May this list help someone The Arch wiki about nvidia is here :...

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Installing ArcoLinux on MacBookPro5,4

Installing ArcoLinux on MacBookPro5,4

Let me first start with a video with all the settings of your laptop that you should remember BEFORE installing any Linux distro on your mac laptop. Write it down, or like I did, film it and keep it safe. We can now check later what hardware is in there. We can try to...

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