Looking for an Office application on Linux

Looking for an Office application on Linux

Here we show you how easy it is to install either libreoffice-still (stable) libreoffice-fresh (cutting-edge) But there is more - follow in the coming years what office tools come and go and install them via pacman or an AUR helper like yay, paru, trizen and others.

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The ArcoLinux Office Series

The ArcoLinux Office Series

Contents Libreoffice WPS Office Openoffice Onlyoffice msoffice-online Where to find the information/softwareLet us use scripts for our next installation https://github.com/erikdubois/arcolinux-nemesisLibreoffice Germanskel, bupskel and cbtheming of libreofficegrammar...

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How to install libreoffice the proper way

How to install libreoffice the proper way

We decided not to include libreoffice on the iso. You will hear and see in the tutorial why. It could not be any easier to install libreoffice. Libreoffice-still is the maintenance branch. sudo pacman -S libreoffice-fresh Then you will need to see what package could...

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