Everything you need to know about keys
The package manager from Arch Linux aka pacman works with signed packages. To sign a package you need key. To be able to install a package you need a key. There is the "archlinux-keyring" package that will need an update from time to time and there is the...
How to get your submicron wallpapers back and install the new mirrorlist for pacman.conf
You can still install the old wallpapers from Submicron. The repository still exists. It is just not in the /etc/pacman.conf anymore for one obvious reason. Everyone has their own set of wallpapers. You will need to change your /etc/pacman.conf if you want to install...
Everything you need to know about pacman
Pacman is our package managerWe have applications like pamac, discover or gnome-software to install software but there are also commands to do the same. We urge you to learn the commands that are behind all the GUIs. Installing Firefox is super simple. sudo pacman -S...
How to get the fastest Arch Linux servers
It started with the wish to have an up-to-date mirrorlist during the installation of ArcoLinux. Calamares provides us a great variety of applications to download. It is now more than ever important to get the best Arch Linux servers for your country. The alias mirror...
How to tell pacman not to update a package like a kernel
Open up the /etc/pacman.conf file and add the packages to the line where it says #IgnorePkg = Delete the # and save it. You can also ignore packages like mate, gnome etc.
Clean up your computer and delete the pacman cache
Type in the terminal man pacman and start reading. Pacman is the most important command on any Arch Linux based system.It is your Package Manager.Pacman is your application to install and remove packages aka software and so much more. There is always the official Arch...
Pacman needs an up-to-date mirrorlist – any desktop
Never mind the warningUpdate the mirrorlist with mirror in the terminal Pacman or your PACkage MANager is going to get its packages from different servers over the world. Depending where you live you select the servers that our near to you in distance BUT they...
How to add the third party repo to pacman.conf
Open the file /etc/pacman.conf with sublime text and add these lines to it [arcolinux_repo_3party] SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional Server = https://arcolinux.github.io/arcolinux_repo_3party/$arch Then do an update sudo pacman -Syyu and then you can install the...
How to downgrade an application if downgrade does not work
In this article we have learned that there is a powerful tool installed on ArchMerge i.e. downgrade. With this application you can downgrade an application in an easy way. You can see the picture at the bottom page how to downgrade firefox. BUT when you do a clean...