Everything you need to know about keys

Everything you need to know about keys

The package manager from Arch Linux aka pacman works with signed packages. To sign a package you need key. To be able to install a package you need a key. There is the "archlinux-keyring" package that will need an update from time to time and there is the...

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Taking a look at pamac-aur and adding AUR support to it

Taking a look at pamac-aur and adding AUR support to it

In this video we urge you to think out of the box.  If you are looking for answers then it is ok to listen to videos for other linux distributions. Applications are often identical or similar. You can learn from any tutorial. In regards to pamac-aur you can listen to...

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Installing software with pamac or gnome-software

Installing software with pamac or gnome-software

We can use either pamac or gnome-software to install packages on ArcoLinux. We are using applications that give us a graphical representation of ALL software that is available. Once you know the name, you can use the terminal to install the same package with sudo...

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Update your system using pamac

Update your system using pamac

This applies to all desktop environments. Pamac is our standard updater in ArcoLinux. You can update your system also in the terminal. That is for another article. Pamac provides us a tray-icon (assuming you did not change the icon theme) that is white....

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