Rolling Release – Update of ArcoLinux i3 package coming in

Starting from ArchMerge 6.2.1 we have many more packages to update our system i.e. Rolling Release.

Some of them need to be installed in our own personal home folder.

In that case you need to take action to get the latest files and folders and move them to your own home directory.

It is always up to you IF you want to overwrite files in your own personal folder.

We can not and will not make that decision for you. Use applications likeĀ meld to see what we changed.

In this tutorial we are making a new installation because Najib Bennani shared a configuration file with us for i3.

Type this to update

sudo pacman -Syyu

With this notion of having a rolling release we can incorporate YOUR work in ARCOLINUX and share it with all USERS.