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Fix for key could not be looked up remotely

Fix for key could not be looked up remotely

confirmed IT is a port issue @ home Network @ work no issue The HKP protocol uses 11371/tcp for communication. In order to get the signed keys from the servers (using pacman-key), this port is required for communication. Arch Wiki link quick fixLONG VERSION This is...

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Fix your ArcoLinux or Arch Linux computer with these 2 tips

Fix your ArcoLinux or Arch Linux computer with these 2 tips

We refer you also to our arch-chroot information in this website. https://www.arcolinuxd.com/arch-linux-utils/ There we also cover BTRFS.If you recognize these symptoms then this article can help you :  black screen at bootup bootup starts but halts bootup starts but...

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How to fix the logo of neofetch after a lsb-release update

How to fix the logo of neofetch after a lsb-release update

Every now and again we receive an update from the application lsb-release. It will overwrite the code that is written on your system in the file /etc/lsb-release with its own. Neofetch uses this file to determine on what system it has been installed and will show the...

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How to fix the system panel icons in i3

How to fix the system panel icons in i3

At this point in time I can see just 2 options. Install the package gtk3-mushrooms coming from AUR. Or get rid of the system panel icons altogether. The reasoning is that we can reach those applications if we want to via shortcuts or terminal. We will show you the...

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Fix for One or more PGP signatures could not be verified!

Fix for One or more PGP signatures could not be verified!

In the meantime we have changed our aur helper to trizen / yay and we will change it probably in future again. Aur helpers have a tendency to come and go. trizen --skipinteg package-to-install yay -S --mflags --skipinteg package-to-install When the installation of an...

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How to fix the pkgbuild of vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin

How to fix the pkgbuild of vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin

The developer was kind enough to give us a script that is going to look online what the version is and calculate the md5 sum. That is awesome. The script works with a command pup. ArcoLinux does not have that installed so we need to install it and its dependency go....

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