Follow this video and you will be able to create your own conkies. We use the 'new' lua code convention in our example.
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Are there any ArcoLinux conkies that show Nvidia info
We use the command 'pt' or catfish to search for the word 'nvidia' in our conkies folder. Then we copy/paste the conky and change anything we like. 'skel' is an alias some of us use. It will override the conkies from ArcoLinux but your own conkies. Renaming them is...
Install the nvidia package with the linux kernel with the use of pacman and Calamares
TIP : use nvidia-xconfig after the reboot We let Calamares do the hard work and after the installation we reboot and we type sudo nvidia-xconfig in the terminal and we reboot again. Done.Wondering what driver to take, read the Arch Wiki....
Unable to boot into ArcoLinux – pass on parameters to the Linux kernel
Use nomodeset to avoid a black screen booting up ArcoLinuxBIOSThe iso may contain already such an optionUse TAB or E to edit Use nomodeset to avoid a black screenbooting up ArcoLinuxUEFIUse TAB or E to edit and add the parameters There are other options you can add...
Installing the official nvidia driver for a GeForce GTX970
In this other article we install via pacman. That is the preferred way. Then pacman can actually manage the package. In this article we will use the .run file from look at the beneath to understand the steps we will have to take. The first video is...
Installing the official nvidia driver on a hybrid graphical system – msi gt70 – geforce gtx670m
In the other article we install via pacman. That is the preferred way. Then pacman can actually manage the package. In this article we will use the .run file from we go over some of the websites that contain information about Nvidia....
Building and installing the future kernel from AUR
We investigate with yay what kernels we can build from the AUR. We visit the website We take a look at the PKGBUILD of the kernel. In the ~/.cache/yay folder we take a look at all the data that is required to build a kernel. We go on a search to...
Finding drivers for your nvidia card and installing nvidia 340
We are going to look at this old computer and put the latest ArcoLinux on it. Then we decide to install nvidia drivers. But which ones... We start always at the Arch wiki website and read. Together we analyze that we need the 340 package. We install it and reboot. On...
Fix for lightdm failed to start – calamares – only for nvidia users – 19.12.15 iso
This is just for people, who have a Nvidia card and need the nvidia package. The isos of 19.12.15 have now the possibility to install the nvidia package from within the calamares installer. During our tests every single installation worked fine as the linux kernel and...
Fix for Failed to start lightdm manager
Are you using the arcolinux-nemesis script?Are you using the arcogetstarted script?Did you read what the code does?what is the target audience for these scriptsJUST ERIK DUBOISThe nemesis is a personalized script for Erik Dubois on the computers of Erik Dubois. You...