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How to activate polybar on ArcoLinux i3

How to activate polybar on ArcoLinux i3

If you like you can switch from one bar system  to the next. There are several choices. Here we will switch from the i3status bar to polybar. To start polybar we need to edit the file ~/.config/i3/config and search (CTRL + F) for the word polybar. Open the file with...

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What are your help me keyboard shortcuts

What are your help me keyboard shortcuts

There are many shortcuts build into Xfce Openbox i3 Many of them are the same. So once you know them you can use them everywhere. I want you to know these 3 already now. They are the "get me out of here" shortcuts. Keyboard Shortcuts To Remember SUPER + Escape Kill...

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Adding jgmenu to your polybar

Adding jgmenu to your polybar

In this article we installed jgmenu and talked about this new menu called jgmenu coming from this github. We can add this menu as well to polybar. Polybar is an alternative menu you can use on Openbox, i3, Bspwm and so many more. We will now show you how to get this...

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How to theme polybar to match an orange wallpaper

How to theme polybar to match an orange wallpaper

Polybar can be used in many desktops. We have already visited : Openbox i3 Bspwm We will need it for other desktop environments we will discover. It can be themed anyway you want. It takes some time to get used to but it can be fun. We learn how to search in the...

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Xfce has been updated to have Rofi keyboard shortcuts

Xfce has been updated to have Rofi keyboard shortcuts

OPENBOXXFCEWe have learned in this article that there will be new keyboard shortcuts to add the functionality of Rofi to the Xfce desktop. Openbox and i3 had already Rofi. Without a new keyboard configuration nothing will change. You do not need to follow this...

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Rofi is an alternative application launcher

Rofi is an alternative application launcher

Rofi has always been present for the Openbox and i3 users. As of May 2018 it is also available for Xfce. The application was present on the iso. With 4 keyboard shortcuts we can now start it on Xfce. SUPER + R =  Rofi theme selector CTRL + ALT + R = Rofi theme...

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