Where to download cursor themes?The AUR or Arch User Repository includes already the best of cursor themes out there. Type the following text in your terminal yay cursorparu cusortrizen cursor Choose a number and install it. It will be installed in /usr/share/icons.Or...
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How to install zsh on ArcoLinux(D) tips tricks and theming
Zsh is an alternative to bash. Check out the Arch wiki first. We have a script to install zsh. But not only zsh also other features that are need to have like zsh-completions oh-my-zsh zsh-syntax-hightlighting Command not found has been abandoned in Feb 2018. You will...
How to mix icon themes or the creation of Papirus-Arc-Halo-Surfn
You can always mix icons from different themes together. On https://erikdubois.be there are many more tutorials just about the flexibility and modularity of the Sardi icons. Here we are going to mix Papirus with the Arc icons but just for the folders. Then we add the...
Use telegram on any device to deliver your messages or images
To know more about Telegram I send you to their website and let you read what telegram is about : https://telegram.orgInstalling could not be simpler.sudo pacman -S telegram-desktopThen you start the application and make sure you are able to use it using your...
How to build your personal Arc theme on the github of Nico Hoods
Install the new Arc themes based on Nico Hoods github with sudo pacman -S arcolinux-arc-gtk-theme-nico-gitLong versionOriginally the Arc theme comes from the github of Horst3180. Some time ago development stopped and Nico Hood (and others) stepped in and took over on...
Expand Sardi and Surfn icons with 10 Mint-Y folder icons
When visiting Linux Mint 19.1 I discovered you can get folder color variations on the Arc theme from horst3180. Specifically the icons for the filemanagers interested me. You can already install the Mint-Y icons from aur today with yay -S mint-y-icons-git I worked on...
Quick and easy way to get an awesome grub start screen
Since the images in Virtualbox are too small I have taken pictures with my smartphone. Hence the stripes and reflection. Bear that in mind. Depending if you are on ArcoLinuxD or ArcoLinuxB make sure you have grub-customizer installed. Then install our grub package...
Install the zafiro icon theme and use the power of inherits
I came across the Zafiro icon theme on the social media. The icon theme was mentioned. As an Arch Linux user the first thing you do .... is check ... is it on the AUR? It is on the AUR! Install it with yay -S zafiro-icon-theme Let us use this icon theme to demonstrate...
Using pywall and transparency in Bspwm in urxvt terminal
When working on BSPWM and using URxvt as terminal and using python-pywal to color your terminal content THAN you need to change two lines in .Xresources From this !URxvt*transparent: true !URxvt*shading: 30 to this URxvt*transparent: true URxvt*shading: 30
How to make the bash prompt sexy – any desktop
Changing the bash prompt can be done in your .bashrc in your home directory. It is a hidden file (hence the .) so press CTRL + H to see it. Then open it with your text editor. You need to look for PS1. That will define the look of your bash prompt. There are so many...