Do not do this on the ArcoLinux iso (Xfce, Openbox and i3)Setting the keyboard shortcutwill cause conflict in OpenboxGreat tip forArcoLinuxDArcoLinuxBWe have left out the keyboard shortcut to open the (whisker) menu when pressing the super (windows) key because of the...
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How to add even more plugins to Xfce4
When you install Xfce and follow the Arch wiki guide you can install the two main packagesxfce4xfce4-goodiesXfce4-goodies contains already a LOT of plugins. These plugins will work and are coming from the Arch repositories.You can add them to your xfce4 panel. Right...
What are your help me keyboard shortcuts
There are many shortcuts build into Xfce Openbox i3 Many of them are the same. So once you know them you can use them everywhere. I want you to know these 3 already now. They are the "get me out of here" shortcuts. Keyboard Shortcuts To Remember SUPER + Escape Kill...
How to autostart the conky in Xfce
Any application can be autostarted upon boot or you can decide NOT to autostart the applications, that are present there. Find "Session and Startup" in the menu. First we activate a conky to see that it is working. Then we show where you should add the conky to...
Changing the panels of xfce the easy way
The best way is to just follow what I do in this video. Just know that this application is called xfce4-panel-profiles. Starting from 18.10 the newer package and its configuration are already installed. If you want to keep rolling and do not do a clean install then...
How to hide applications in your Xfce menu
We open the menulibre applications via the whiskermenu and select the applications we do not want to see and choose hide from menu's. That is it. A file is being created in ~/.local/share/applications as you can see in the video.
Add applications menu back in xfce context menu
When you right-mouse click on the desktop in Xfce you get a menu - let us call it the context-menu. Normally Xfce has at the very end a link to the applications. We decided to get rid of this menu because of the lesser quality of the icons. If you like to get it back...
Add menu’s to your xfce menu for online applications
There are a lot of applications that are hosted online. Google drive Onedrive Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint online Google Calendar Google Contacts Google Mail and so many more If you want to have a menu in your Xfce menu to those websites...
How to remove the shadow around the plank on Xfce
Depending on what system you are and what you might have accidentally deleted, you might get a sort of shadow next to the plank. There is an easy fix for that in the "Window Manager Tweaks". Make sure that "Show shadows under dock windows" is off in the compositor...
How to resize Xfce windows the easy way
You can move about the windows in Xfce and put them in the corner (1/4th) or to the left or right (1/2th) or full screen. Resizing the windows can be done when going to the edges of the window and drag it into a direction. But also with the ALT key pressed together...