Everything you need to know about keys

Everything you need to know about keys

The package manager from Arch Linux aka pacman works with signed packages. To sign a package you need key. To be able to install a package you need a key. There is the "archlinux-keyring" package that will need an update from time to time and there is the...

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Add your personal aliases to fish the smart way

Add your personal aliases to fish the smart way

Since we always use skel to copy/paste the files from /etc/skel to your home directory, the config.fish is overwritten every time. We have included the following lines to the config.fish. There are more possibilities. # Aliasesif [ -f $HOME/.config/fish/alias.fish...

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Add your personal aliases to zsh the smart way

Add your personal aliases to zsh the smart way

Since we always use skel to copy/paste the files from /etc/skel to your home directory, the .zshrc is overwritten every time. We have included the following lines to the .bashrc. [[ -f ~/.zshrc-personal ]] && . ~/.zshrc-personal If you create a file on your...

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Add your personal aliases to bashrc the smart way

Add your personal aliases to bashrc the smart way

Since we always use skel to copy/paste the files from /etc/skel to your home directory, the bashrc is overwritten every time. We have now included the following lines to the .bashrc. [[ -f ~/.bashrc-personal ]] && . ~/.bashrc-personal If you create a file on...

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Everything you need to know about tmux – Plugins Manager

Everything you need to know about tmux – Plugins Manager

Like vi, emacs, and other mature Linux programs, tmux is extensible and allows third-party code (or plugins) to extend its features and capabilities. The plugins can be installed manually, or managed through a "plugin manager." Tmux Plugin Manger (also known as "tpm")...

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Everything you need to know about tmux – Status Bar

Everything you need to know about tmux – Status Bar

The tmux status bar (or status line) is the rectangular box that appears at the bottom of the screen (by default)  when tmux starts. It displays helpful information related to the current tmux session, as well as general system information. By default, the status line...

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Everything you need to know about tmux – Configuration

Everything you need to know about tmux – Configuration

One of the beauties of tmux is its simplicity, in terms of configuration, right out-of-the-box. By default, tmux is fully functional and requires zero-configuration. However, most users eventually break away from the default settings and will begin to adjust and tweak...

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Everything you need to know about tmux – Panes

Everything you need to know about tmux – Panes

What are tmux Panes?A tmux pane is the entity that we actually use to run commands, scripts, and processes, such as ssh, backup, vim, htop, and what have you. Technically, they are pseudoterminals  encapsulating shells, like Zsh or Bash. In other words, they are...

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Everything you need to know about tmux – Windows

Everything you need to know about tmux – Windows

What are tmux Windows? tmux window is the entity that holds panes and resides within the tmux session. Think of a window in tmux as a tab in your notebook. Tabs (windows) help organize your work and group your individual pages (panes) based on some topic of your...

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Everything you need to know about tmux – Introduction

Everything you need to know about tmux – Introduction

Why use tmux?tmux is a productivity tool for the terminal. It is a powerful utility that empowers terminal users to strike a fine-balance between multitasking and organization. While some gui terminals attempt to addess this challenge with splitting, tabs, and what...

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How to install zsh on ArcoLinux(D) tips tricks and theming

How to install zsh on ArcoLinux(D) tips tricks and theming

Zsh is an alternative to bash. Check out the Arch wiki first. We have a script to install zsh. But not only zsh also other features that are need to have like zsh-completions oh-my-zsh zsh-syntax-hightlighting Command not found has been abandoned in Feb 2018. You will...

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How to get the logo of ArcoLinux back in neofetch/termite

How to get the logo of ArcoLinux back in neofetch/termite

Update of 27 December 2018 Neofetch is an application to have an overview of the most important settings. You can either have an ASCII look or an IMAGE look.After the update and the skel to copy/paste the new configs to your home directory, there should be only two...

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Explore the new alias rip in our bashrc

Explore the new alias rip in our bashrc

Thanks to a tip on discord on the suggestions channel we have a new alias.One to see what packages have been installed recently R I P equals Recent Installed PackagesMake sure expac is installed on your system.

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Use bupskel to compare the ArcoLinux updates coming in

Use bupskel to compare the ArcoLinux updates coming in

We have created a new alias - bupskel. In ArcoLinux we put our configurations inside /etc/skel. Everything we put in this folder will be added to your home directory when we create a new iso. Bupskel will copy the content of /etc/skel to a hidden folder in your home...

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Update your system using the terminal and upall or pksyua

Update your system using the terminal and upall or pksyua

This applies to all desktop environments. Pamac is our graphical updater in ArcoLinux. You can find more info about updating via pamac in this article. But you can also update in the terminal. Personally I start the day with a command in the terminal and read what...

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The terminal is going to be our best friend

The terminal is going to be our best friend

This applies to all desktop environments.  ArchMerge chooses Termite as the standard terminal. You can change that preference via Preferred Applications in the menu or looking for the application : exo-preferred-applications. Our terminal is going to be our best...

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How to install software on ArcoLinux in the terminal

How to install software on ArcoLinux in the terminal

Our terminal is going to be our best friend. In that article we saw that there are many more themes already available for termite on ArcoLinux. There are also many other terminals to choose from. The terminal is the most important part in Linux. You need to learn...

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