Compact installation guide for ArcoLinux

This is a step by step guide what I typically
would do on my computer system.

Step 1 : install arcolinux

Step 2 : update ARCH and arcolinux

Make sure you have the fastest servers to download from with. We type this alias in the terminal.


Then we update in the terminal with


Some of the ArcoLinux packages will be updated in /etc/skel. We want them in our home directory.


Sometimes we create new aliases in our bashrc.


Step 3 : update AUR

We will now update the packages coming from AUR.


Step 4 : hblock

We ban all ads, tracking and malware websites with our adblock.

You can find Adblock in the xfce settings and other desktops.



in terminal for example in tiling window managers.

Step 5 : hardcode fixer for icons

In the Xfce system settings there is an icon to launch the “Fix Hardcoded Icons”.

Use this code in the terminal to fix some of the applications that still use hardcoded paths to their icons on tiling window managers for example.

sudo hardcode-fixer

Step 6 : Arcolinux nemesis

Type this in your terminal or copy/paste with ctrl + shift + v.

git clone

I will run almost all scripts.

Discord is our channel for ArcoLinux relates issues.

Telegram is our channel for more casual conversations

Insync is there to sync files to google drive (paid).

Virtualbox will be installed.

Spotify will be installed.

This github changes constantly and will differ from what you see.

Step 7 : Arcolinux nemesis PERSONAL

Now we go inside the Personal folder of the same github:

See what you can use from it and rewrite the codes any way you see fit.

Bookmarks can be interesting.
Firefox is sometimes not quite readable with dark themes depending on what websites you visit. Css fix for that.

We have added a “FUNscript to the collection. It will install many interesting applications that you can use for your screenshots like bash-pipes, cmatrix, cool-retro-term, cmatrix and many more. More info here.

This github changes constantly and will differ from what you see.

A workflow is something very personal

arcogetstarted may be something
you can use and change to your needs

Most recent download link is
on discord – official channel