The use of Neofetch explained – any desktop

Neofetch is a terminal application that provides information about your system. You can find the github here.

A lot of information can be shown and each element has many options. They are all in your neofetch configuration but you check them as well on this webpage.

If you just want an different logo or an image next to your neofetch data then this is what you need to type in a terminal.

neofetch --source /usr/share/backgrounds/arcolinux/angel-girl-1920x1200.jpg

This should work on ArcoLinux or ArcoLinuxD IF you installed the arcolinux-wallpapers-git.

Then it is a question of pointing the source to a path of a picture to your liking.

In the video we go over all the settings and found an interesting one to know the cpu temperature.

Need more info about the ability to put an image, then this will be interesting to read.

Ps. The cryptic image was not centered on the red blob. So it was cropped correctly.

Update of July 2019