Theming ArcoLinux when a red wallpaper comes in

Theming ArcoLinux when a red wallpaper comes in

When a red wallpaper comes in, we start theming ArcoLinux all red.Conky logo is chosen.A new combination of icons is created. Use the inherit in your icon theme.A new theme is chosen.We explain the derivatives from Sardi. Just one icon did not change all red.Then we...

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How to change your grub theme

How to change your grub theme

 Just download and install. The easy installation is at the end of the article.  First we visit the Arch wiki page to learn more about GRUB and the tips and trics of GRUB. We navigate to where the grub configuration file is and the grub themes are....

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How do we create a new Arc theme with a personal color

How do we create a new Arc theme with a personal color

After making a tutorial how to install the current set of Arc Colora themes here, I wanted to check if the scripts are still working on Arch Linux. Arc Colora scripts are distro independent. It is advised to run the arc scripts on the system it was designed for. The...

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