How to get whatsapp on your ArcoLinux system

How to get whatsapp on your ArcoLinux system

Whatsapp is an app most of us know. You can check out what it is and does on their website. We show you in the video how to install it and explain how to connect your mobile to your desktop. sudo pacman -S whatsapp-nativefierPlaylist on Youtube :  Communication...

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How to play netflix in firefox

How to play netflix in firefox

At the moment of writing on firefox and on Arcolinux iso (Xfce, Openbox, i3) all I needed to do was activate drm or digital rights management content. See image. Then restart Firefox.

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How to safeguard videos from youtube

How to safeguard videos from youtube

We used this link from youtube to do our testing with the application youtube-dl. Here is the list of all the websites this application supports NOT JUST YOUTUBE! We analyze the code in the terminal with youtube-dl --help. Audio + Video youtube-dl -f...

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Installing and using viber on your ArcoLinux system

Installing and using viber on your ArcoLinux system

You check out if you want viber by visiting their website. Installing could not be easier. Install it first on your mobile (ios or android) - see that you have an account. Then proceed to ArcoLinux and install with yay -S viber You will get popups guiding you through...

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How to play netflix in your vivaldi browser

How to play netflix in your vivaldi browser

You can play Netflix natively in Google Chrome (AUR) but if you want to play it in Vivaldi you will have to install a plugin for it. yay vivaldi-widevine You also need vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin but that is normally already installed on ArcoLinux.

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