Where to find the wallpaper of a nice screenshot

Where to find the wallpaper of a nice screenshot

People always ask me where can I find this or that wallpaper. When making tutorials variety is providing new wallpapers all the time. I never go look for a wallpaper. If there is a wallpaper I like, I will save it on my account at https://desktoppr.co/erikdubois. As a...

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Use a meta package to install a bunch of wallpapers

Use a meta package to install a bunch of wallpapers

A meta package is a way to install 'lots' of software. It is a bundle of packages installed with one command. Read all about it on the wiki of Arch Linux. We install all the wallpapers (500MB) with this single command: sudo pacman -S...

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Theming ArcoLinux when a red wallpaper comes in

Theming ArcoLinux when a red wallpaper comes in

When a red wallpaper comes in, we start theming ArcoLinux all red.Conky logo is chosen.A new combination of icons is created. Use the inherit in your icon theme.A new theme is chosen.We explain the derivatives from Sardi. Just one icon did not change all red.Then we...

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Anniversary present from ArcoLinux – Submicron wallpapers

Anniversary present from ArcoLinux – Submicron wallpapers

In total 1 GB of wallpapers Submicron or Fernando Cruz, creator and donator of many beautiful wallpapers of ArcoLinux, has generously given us permission to share ALL his wallpapers with you. You can find all his work on https://www.deviantart.com/submicron and follow...

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Using python-pywal to make awesome screenshots

Using python-pywal to make awesome screenshots

Python-pywal is the package. It is intended to be used in i3. The command is wal. Python-pywal will change the look of your computer in an instant. It will use the colors of your wallpaper and will decide what colors to use. You can not decide the colors. You see this...

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How to delete variety and all its configuration files

How to delete variety and all its configuration files

This tutorial is about Variety. I am going to show how to deactivate variety but also how to delete the application and remove any and all of its configuration files. Procedure to delete variety and all its configurations. sudo pacman -R variety sudo pacman -R...

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How to change the wallpaper in Xfce

How to change the wallpaper in Xfce

We can also use the xfce settings panel to change our wallpaper and so much more. The application is actually called xfce4-settings-manager. You can start it in the menu but I start it with a keyboard shortcut.  Look for the icon called Desktop. Read the yellow banner...

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How to change the wallpaper with nitrogen

How to change the wallpaper with nitrogen

Nitrogen is a straight forward application to set your wallpaper. It will however not fetch any new wallpapers like variety does. AND it will not work on Xfce. ONLY FOR OPENBOX AND I3 In preferences you can add more folders with your personal wallpapers....

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How to change the wallpaper with variety

How to change the wallpaper with variety

riety is an application that I have discussed in so many articles and it is the first thing I install on any distro. Variety is standard installed on ArcoLinux. It is just the Rolls-Royce of wallpaper fetchers and wallpaper changers. But that is just my personal...

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